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Processor Map Format

To not have to always compile all files from source again, the processor is able to save a map of the files it has compiled. This map is stored in a binary format. The file format is defined using the following structure:

struct Utf8String {
uint16_t length;
uint8_t data[length];

struct ProcessorMap {
uint32_t magic;
uint16_t major;
uint16_t minor;

uint16_t package_count;
Package packages[package_count];

struct Package {
Utf8String name;

uint16_t subpackage_count;
Package subpackages[subpackage_count];

uint16_t class_count;
Class classes[class_count];

uint16_t method_count;
Method functions[method_count];

uint16_t field_count;
Field fields[field_count];

struct Class {
Utf8String name;
uint16_t flags;
Utf8String super_class;

uint16_t interface_count;
Utf8String interfaces[interface_count];

uint16_t class_count;
Class classes[class_count];

uint16_t constructor_count;
Method constructors[constructor_count];

uint16_t method_count;
Method methods[method_count];

uint16_t field_count;
Field fields[field_count];

struct Method {
Utf8String signature;
uint16_t flags;

struct Field {
Utf8String name;
Utf8String type;
uint16_t flags;