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Order of Operators

Theoretical Order of Operators


Literals are the highest precedence and are parsed first. They could be identifiers, numbers, strings, characters, true, false, null.


( ): Parentheses are used to group expressions and have the highest precedence.

Unary Operators

+, - (positive and negative), ! (logical NOT), ~ (bitwise NOT).

Mandatory Operators

++, -- (increment and decrement).

Call Operator and Property Access

. (dot), [] (brackets), () (call).

Cast Operator

as (cast).

Power Operator

** (power).

Multiplicative Operators

* (multiplication), / (division), % (modulo).

Additive Operators

+ (addition), - (subtraction).

Shift Operators

<< (left shift), >> (right shift), >>> (unsigned right shift)

Relational Operators

<, <= (less than, less than or equal to), >, >= (greater than, greater than or equal to).

Equality Operators

== (equal to), != (not equal to).

Bitwise AND / NAND

& (bitwise AND), &~ (bitwise NAND).

Bitwise XOR / XNOR

^ (bitwise XOR), ^~ (bitwise XNOR).

Bitwise OR / NOR

| (bitwise OR), |~ (bitwise NOR).

Logical AND


Logical XOR


Logical OR


Conditional (Ternary) Operator

? :, ?:

Assignment Operators

=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=